Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Ubiquitous Korean International (Idol) Super Star,
the most precious SUPER STAR in my life

There was a time when tears come at night even U-KISS are vampire, (vampire u-kiss show)
think back to all you have grown as an idols,
Looking at how much you have grown from a baby,
makes us proud to be your fans , KISSME's

Praying day by day for your good health and happiness,always keep your faith
you will always be in our heart,day by day
remember that we will always stand by your side even every second
no matter what happens,so don't be afraid of anything
when you fall down,get up once again,
with us all behind...
You will soar with the wings of the world proudly,
so many previous memories before,
playing scene by scene,
Our eyes witnessing that all you have done,
always walk behind you step by step,
with each passing days,we will always,
cheer you up....
You will always be in our heart every second ...
We know that may be a tune,
that you have felt lost and didn't know..
what to do ?
You can just lean on us..
We will give you hope and strength.
to carry on in this world!
U-KISS as 1

Because we are your KISSME forever for U-KISS
I believe , there will be a NEVERLAND for us,U-KISS and KISSME's as your song , SOMEDAY